Hello Beautiful Soul,
It's a beautiful weekend. We are in the middle of Autumn a gorgeous Season of change and transformation at the beginning of the last quarter of 2022. A perfect time to play full-out in the game of life. Whatever the year might have been thus far, you have a chance to complete it with an impact! You might look at last nine months with content over your accomplishments or feel bad about the things you didn't do or "stuff" that got in the way. One thing you have the dominion over is how you feel in the present and what you choose to create every-next-moment. The past is but a memory, the present is a gift (hint being in the word itself: "present") and the future is a possibility! Are you willing to elevate yourself, generate the courage and enthusiasm for the next three months to create the perfect momentum for 2023! Read on, as we have a perfect announcement for you.
Part of the disappointment for people who fail with their intentions soon as the excitement of the New Year's resolutions wear off, is that they weren't prepared to begin the year powerfully. Prepare now to enter as a winner into the next year! If you want to enter the year running, begin creating the momentum now! Start practicing your craft, do your art and work on that thing that's been waiting for your attention for years... At the beginning of any new venture or project it takes tantamount amount of effort to generate yourself, stay focused and in the work. The more you repeat those actions that are aligned with your goals the less energy they require and the easier they become. Think of a physical exercise - if you haven't done it in a while, it's much harder to begin. Once you build a habit and condition your muscles, your body takes you to the place of exercise and your mind doesn't have to think it or resist. Your body pulls you towards what you've conditioned it to and it gets easier. The key being, if you fall in the process - get up, dust off and continue.
We are living in a time of great changes, happening at a faster rate each year. We cannot control the outer world, but we can always control our inner world. We can have a moment of peace and tranquility as we take a conscious and deep breath and get present to our beautiful soul. We can close our eyes and with our third eye witness an adventure in a moment of meditation or visualization. You are greater than you think you are and more beautiful than you see yourself. Your beauty shines from within. Happy and content people radiate those beautiful feelings and that's what makes them beautiful and charismatic. We create our own reality. Is the glass half full or half empty? The answer you choose will draw you, to more of what you think and feel. You will prove yourself right.

At the Pure Energy Healing Academy we have created the most amazing offers to help you in your personal journey of transformation, healing, empowerment and discovering yourself as a Healer. Our courses are empowering and beautiful for the body, heart, mind and soul. The courses are for everyone. We've had men, women, young, mature, students, professionals from numerous industries, athletes, clergy, parents, children take our beautiful courses and experience a profound personal transformation. You can read and listen to their experiences in the LINK Testimonials at the Pure Energy Healing Academy.
For a limited time we are offering a Sliding Scale Tuition based on Honour Principle. We trust that you will choose the right price for you. We are now in the middle of our Pure Energy Healing Course with Live Sessions and loving each moment, connecting with the most beautiful souls that were drawn to the Academy. The next course with Live Sessions will be the Pure Energy CRYSTAL Healing Course and that's how we'll begin the New Year: with powerful intentions and high energy vibration of possibility and positivity. Course dates: January 12, 13, 14, 15 2023.
Happy Autumn Everyone!
may you Fall in Love with your soul
may you loose the leaves that no longer serve you
may you take a moment to embrace all that is good
within and around you.
Count your blessings so that there will be more.
Give and you shall receive.
Open your heart to the possibility of love, healing and abundance.
Take a free Fall
into the greatness of life
and the Pure Energy Healing.
Sending you much love from the Pure Energy Healing Academy,
Lella Satie
Always in the HeART ♥️
Lella Satie Artist, PEH Academy Instructor, LEMON HOUSE Founder, Creator
Watch Lella's Video as she explains the difference between the two courses offered at the Pure Energy Healing Academy.
This Week's Recommendations:
SEEING THE INVISIBLE A wonderful collection of true stories from a man who walked into his path as a healer - a memoir by Mark Bajerski.
SACRED COLLECTION Take care of yourself. Your well being is an inside-out work.
NEW CRYSTALS Check out powerful new crystal beauties!
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