You may have seen in the few weeks or so in the news of an alleged new virus doing the rounds in China, causing many deaths and causing a huge health scare in the media and from authorities around the world. Is this "new" virus something to really be scared about? No! Is this "new" virus" something you can do something about? YES! But first, some other interesting facts about this new corona virus: 1) "#Coronavirus" is actually a family of viruses that cause infections in some animals, including causing the common cold in humans. The current coronavirus scare is a particular strain of coronavirus. 2) The source of the first infections were in the Wuhan fish market 4) Just across the river from the Wuhan fish market is a large maximum-security biological laboratory, designed to study the world's most dangerous pathogens (viruses and bacteria)! Very interesting indeed. 5) If the above wasn't enough, Wuhan also has 8 out of the top 13 top biopharmaceutical companies located there. 6) In October 2019, a summit of government officials, health officials and infection experts met to discuss a simulation of a global infection pandemic, coincidentally based on a coronavirus outbreak! How did they guess that would happen?! I'll leave that for you to ponder. 7) It is winter in China at the moment, and any infections or epidemics usually occur when people's immune system defences are low. This is why we see more colds and flu in winter. I have repeatedly written about it before, that common cold and flu infections increase in winter, caused from low vitamin D levels in people due to low sunlight exposure when it's colder. So it is not surprising that this infection is spreading at the moment, among those whose immune defences are down or not as strong as they should be.You and I are already protected from this virus, by our immune system! We have always had our "innate" immune system which detects and destroys all known and unknown infective pathogens 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for your entire life! Your immune system, quite literally, keeps you alive!
There are several main parts to your immune system: 1) Innate immune system - these cells protect you from all unknown infection-causing microbes, bacteria and viruses! They recognize what is "self" or safe and what isn't, and will attack and destroy any foreign invaders. This part of your immune system is how we have been able to survive for millennia without modern medicines or medical interventions! The innate immune system, when confronted by a new microbe or invader, learns from this and then trains the adaptive immune system for longer-term defence mechanisms. 2) Adaptive immune system - the adaptive immune system develops antibodies against each invader. Antibodies are then used by the immune system to more quickly respond to and stop infections in future! 3) Your microbiome - or the trillions of bacteria on your skin, in your mucus membranes, digestive tract, and other parts of your body. Your microbiome works to regulate and produce most of your immune system proteins to protect you from any pathogenic bacteria. It's only when your immune system cannot defend itself quick enough or destroy the invading pathogens that you actually "get" symptoms of an infection. Your immune system is affected by factors such as stress, a poor diet (ie, nutrient deficiencies or toxicities), poor digestive system function, chemicals and toxins in foods and environment, poor sleep quality or quantity, and chronic (long-term) infections, medications (antibiotics, NSAIDs, anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressives, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, steroids, etc) and other factors. If any one or more of these are affecting your immune system, then it's not going to work as well as it should.
Reduced immune system function can lead to longer and more severe infections. Hence the importance of supporting your immune system, not just to prevent and survive the coronavirus, but any and all infections! If your immune system is weak, or you get frequent infections, or want to protect yourself against coronavirus, there are many things that I can help with, by investigating all possible causes of a low functioning immune system and treating those, as well as immune supporting treatments and direct anti-viral actions too. But honestly all berries are natures healthy vaccines and the only side effect is Health.
To build a stronger immune system fast and kill viruses you might want to add to your already healthy lifestyle habits Colloidal silver products that have added Fulvic Acid. Colloidial Silver kills 5-7 bacterial viruses. When you add Fulvic acid it kills over 265 bacterial Viruses. Don's Colloidal Silver with Fulfivc Acid is available at Don Tolman's LINK.
#DonTolman, The Real Food Medicine Man
Don's Website:
A Newsletter Note from LEMON HOUSE:
If your #immune system is strong, your body can clear most viruses. Your immune system suffers not only from environmental pollutants, and toxins that you might ingest, but also in large part from stress and trauma. If you are healthy, an infection or virus might feel like a common cold or you might not even notice that your immune system cleared them from your body. Regarding corona virus: the numbers according to WHO (World Health Organization): you only have a 1-4% chance of contracting the virus when in close contact with someone who is infected. If you happen to be one of that 1-4%, you only have a 6% chance of it becoming critical.
The way to stay #healthy is to Live a Healthy Lifestyle. Having a healthy body, healthy mind(set) and healthy heart(set) will allow you to have health and enjoy vitality and longevity. To have health, your daily practices should be your daily rituals for strong mind, heart and soul. The body functions as a system and ignoring one part of it may cause suffering in the other.
It is time to focus on building your immune system. Stay strong in mind, heart, body and spirit. Do not buy into fear. There are a number of useful resources on supporting your health from inside out. "Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates
The 7 Principles of #Health as taught by #DonTolman are 1. Clean Water 2. Fresh Air 3. Sunshine 4. Fresh-Real Food (Plant Based) 5. Healthy Relationships 6. Exercise 7. Pursuing a passion in Life.
Our students at the Pure Energy Healing Academy learn to heal themselves and others by various healing practices including: identifying negative and heavy energies and clearing them; protecting yourself from them; meditation; having powerful and positive thinking pattern; enjoying time in nature for healing; breathing exercises; getting away from toxic people/relationships; discovering the inner power and the healer within.
"Healthy body, clear mind and content heart is your gateway to true spirituality and your access to your truth and inner power"
*Please Note: The information we share, we find useful, we are aligned with and for the most part it fits with our values, principles, ethics and our brand. Use your own discretion about what works for you, what resonates with you, what you believe in and what you will practice - for your own health benefits and well being.
Thank you for reading,
P.S. Our Giveaway of Healing Crystal and Mark Bajerski's books ends today at 6PM European Central Time/12PM EST/9AM PST! To enter follow the link and steps at the Pure Energy Healing Instagram LINK