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Learn to Listen to Your Higher Self

This blog has been inspired by yesterday's PEH Academy Instagram post. I had a meeting with a corporate executive of a globally recognized firm. We had a conversation about the Art of Pure Energy Healing, our corporate coaching and courses. People are interested in incorporating our programs into their work and life more then ever. There is a need to heal - on every level and in every aspect of life. From individual and family life to businesses to how we do things. We are in deep need of healing, reset and higher consciousness.

My path of transformation began as I worked in corporate world on Bay Street (Toronto's Wall Street). I began learning about transformation, meditation, universal laws and eventually I quit the corporate life. This was one of my real-life-characters, and I've played many roles. People "have no time", they want a quick fix, precise answers, and I've been asked to summarize in a single statement to a corporate executive the #Art of #PureEnergyHealing. A Pure Energy Healing Course is a four day experiential course, and many students have gotten more than one thing. You will learn to listen to your higher self.

The following benefits are more rewards that our students have experienced from participating in our courses and programs.

💜 Begin a path of self healing

💜 Understand one's own spirituality

💜 Learn to control emotions

💜 Awaken to new possibilities

💜 Clear past emotional trauma and stress

💜 Find inner happiness

💜 Experience peace, balance and grounding

💜 Help a family member

💜 Begin a new career path as a healer

💜 Learn another technique to expand a healing practice

💜 Overall sense of ease and well being

Most people are leading a life of being at the effect of things and they react. Rare are those who create, and even rarer are those who are conscious and awake. You have no time and you won't have any time for other things outside of the rat race, until you Make The Time.

Transformation happens when we start doing the things we haven't done before. There are a number of things you can do to learn to listen to your higher self. It's that which I've talked about in the previous blogs. Taking care of your overall well being - tending to your body temple; tending to the garden of your mind; and tending to your soul.

There are many great teachers and mentors and ultimately you are your own greatest guru. When you start listening to your higher self you will know what is right for you; you will know what resonates as your highest calling. We have been trained and manipulated to follow, obey and conform. The Pure Energy Healing Course teaches how to listen to your higher self and how to recognize, remember and reconnect to your inner wisdom - your intuition.

I look forward to next week's Pure Energy Healing Course in Slovenia. I will teach and learn more about our innate gifts. When you teach your skills, you learn them on another level. I enjoy discovering new wisdoms. I will share some of it in a blog in the coming weeks. Until then I'd like to share with you the gift of healing. Our SACRED Healing Oil is a powerful and beautiful Healing Oil for the healing of the body, mind and soul. It is a blend of organic essential oils and the power of Healing Crystals for your overall well being. It's great for awakening your intuition; it works well to ease a physical discomfort and pain; and it works well to help ease the mind chatter and bring balance and peace of mind. Read the full description in SACRED Oil Link. We will include a complimentary gift of a SACRED Oil to the first 5 purchases made in our shop after this post is published (whether or not the client read the post).

Stay in your heart. Create a little joy in your life. Sometimes an act of kindness towards someone else helps us ease our pain and raise our vibration.

Always in the HeART ♥️

Lella Satie

Artist, PEH Academy Instructor, LEMON HOUSE Founder

This week's featured Healing Crystals are wonderful for raising your vibration and elevating intuition -connecting to your higher self. #Amethyst and #Moldavite. Our #SACRED Oil does the same.

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