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Ammolite is a beautiful and special crystal. It is amazing for elevating emotional and spiritual vibrations. It is a wonderful crystal to build courage, heal the feelings, let go of self destructive patterns and find an inspiration to become the best version of self. It is a wonderful grounding crystal to help balance the chakras/energy points. Thic crystal is great to help strengthen from within. It is a wonderful crystal to work with for starting a new project, for travelling, for expanding ones capabilities. This crystal amplifies natural gifts. It helps you gain more confidence in your abilities and motivates you to keep training your instrument. It is great for performing artists, creatives and entrepreneurs. It helps to bring all things beautiful in life. It is also praised as an abundance crystal. It helps you see the bigger picture and focus on the positive and the good in any situation. This crystal helps you understand others' negativities. It is also used to let go and heal past life karmic issues. 


Photo 1: taken in direct light

Photo 2: taken in shade


SKU: 903
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