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Cavansite is a powerful crystal to bring inner peace into one's life. It helps us let go of fear, pain and suffering. It helps us see the blessing in each situation by opening us to understanding the lesson and seeing a bigger picture in life. It is amazing for heart energy and for calming of the mind. This is a great inspiration crystal.

It helps heal negativity from family problems. This is a beautiful healing crystal to overcome attachments, worries, fears and any emotional struggle: "Breathe. Release. Trust. Let go and let God /Good." Feel your own power. Detach from pain, suffering and fears, and move on. Take one step at a time trusting in your path, giving yourself a chance for a new life. Cavansite is a wonderful crystal for healing past emotional traumas and pain from broken relationship. It helps break through sadness and bring closure to any situation that brought heavy feelings or distrust. Heal, let go and let yourself be free of suffering. Find a new path and open your heart and mind to wonderful new possibilities.


SKU: 1366
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