Just four days ago I transitioned from a 20 day liquid fast to foods. Food for me is what Mother Earth produces: fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, grains, herbs, beans, legumes. Everything else is either a non food product or a rotting carcass aka "meat" to make it more "palatable" (lit. & fig.). For 13 days all I had was water, followed by 7 days of fresh fruit and vegetable juices and of-course more water. I've had many fasting experiences and every time I learn something new and I try something different. I've learned from many wise men and there isn't a one line answer. You got to experiment and experience. The most important things when doing a fast is to consider your environment, consume plenty of water and Must Do's: colonics or enemas daily! Some people have heard about the many benefits of fasting and they jump right in, without much thought or research and then don't have the best experience, 'cause they don't follow all the important protocols that should be observed for an optimal cleanse, detox and healing. This blog isn't a guide on how to fast but a simple stream of consciousness of what I got out of this fast.

There are many studies and experts talking about the benefits of fasting: the healing of the body; stem cell production; deep detox on physical, emotional and mental level - and inevitably spiritual as well. There are many ways to cleanse, detox and heal and the fastest of them is through a fast. Doing a fast for me is an endurance sport. Every time I get better at it; I learn more about myself; my body and the self-healing processes; and I grow stronger, emotionally, energetically and physically and my mind gets clearer. This time around, my energy was more steady than other times when it fluctuated more. The cleaner your body is - the easier it is to fast. I go with the flow of my energy. If I feel like resting, I rest - which I didn't do much of this time. I was busy and working most days. I go for long walks in nature (1-2hrs). Sunshine is great for getting the Vitamin D and Happy Hormones as well as the element of Nature itself being the Great Healer. I've deepened my meditation practice. I strengthened my mindset - by letting go of the "set mind"; and I expanded my heart energy.

Some of the many benefits and gifts I've received this time during a fast is a heightened awareness, spiritual and intuitive consciousness. I am amazed for all the little things that are big things in my world. Even channeling the exact diet to transition into as I began to introduce foods again. I intuited it all - down to herbs and plants that I've used in creating my first Green Goddess Soups. I will share my Healing Foods Recipe Book in the coming weeks. I gained a deeper understanding of the power of heart. You can be empathic, you can be intuitive and you can still strengthen your boundaries. This is important! Shaking off all that no longer serves you! In the realm of the Heart, this is totally dismissing and not engaging with anything that is not love coming at you. I send love to those who judged me, I send love to those who've done wrong, those weak ones who've talked behind my back, or those situations that weren't resolved or weren't grounded in love... I let go and let love. I don't pay attention to anyone or anything that is not love. It's like - it doesn't even exist in my world. It's that simple. I can be sensitive without sensing all there is around me. I am aware and I know much more than I let others in on. This is just how I chose to be. I enjoy being private with those that I don't resonate with - and those that I do: my heart, mind and soul are wide open. I don't participate in idle chit chat, gossip or low vibe conversations. I have more important things to do. Even walking on the beach by myself is more important than anything that lowers my vibration. I choose what I turn towards and what I tune out of. I am happy being me and I'm happy being with me.

I know what I am good at and I know what I want to use my good (gifts) for. I love people who operate with integrity and I appreciate all acts of kindness and love. I am aware that everyone and I have our flaws. I am working on mine and will continue to expand and transform, always. I listen to honest and constructive criticism. I consider others' points of view and then I listen to my heart, gut and soul. The mind is but a tool to execute on heart's desires. I look for solutions. This blog might sound like "me this, me that". But that's where it started: I wanted to share my experience of what I got out of my fast and hence it's really a self confirmation in a sense.

I hope it gives you an insight, an inspiration or a moment of light entertainment. I've channeled a few things that I look forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks. Exciting new products that I want to create and share through Lemon House with you. For Your (Notice the Our in Your) health and happiness! As with all other products on Lemon House. They are created out of love and pure intention with the experience and knowledge from various healing modalities: with integrity and quality of materials, cruelty free, all natural and organic. Lemon House Team and I, we use them for our personal care and well being as well as of our families and friends.
We'd love to hear from you! Write to us or comment below: What would you like to see more of on Lemon House? Skin care? Herbal and healing teas? Crystals? Interviews with experts? How can we serve you better?
With infinite Love and Gratitude for your presence in our ever growing Lemon House community we are offering you an 8% discount on any purchase for the coming week. Eight because it's a symbol of infinity. Use the code: gr8itude (offer valid April 10 through April 17, 2021).
Infinite, Love & Gratitude,
Always in the HeART ♥️
Lella Satie Artist, PEH Academy Instructor, LEMON HOUSE Founder
Join the Community & Connect with us on Social Media FB & IG @lemonhouseglobal
Discover the Healer Within, Become a Pure Energy Healer!
This week's recommendations:
MOLDAVITE The King of crystals for higher intuition and spiritual awakening.
Sacred Three Set of Sacred Oil, Sacred Incense & Sacred Mist. The Ultimate Healing, Empowerment & Awakening Set.